Item Shop

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Icon ID Name Source Command Selling Buying Type Actions
Items Shop Commands
Command Usage
/buy [ID|Name] [Ammount] /buy "Military Drum" 2 or /buy 17 2
/b [ID|Name] [Ammount] /b "Military Drum" 2 or /b 17 2
/s [ID|Name] [Ammount] /s "Military Drum" 2 or /s 17 2
/sell [ID|Name] [Ammount] /sell "Military Drum" 2 or /sell 17 2
/cost [ID|Name] /cost "Military Drum" or /cost 17

If you want to buy items by name, you have to use " " if the name contains a space bar. For example: /buy "Military Drum".
If you use /buy Military Drum you are only buying the Military Magazine and not the Military Drum.

You can hover or click the item name to view the items description.