Nox Gaming News

Moderation Rules, Fixes and New Servers Full Changelog

Server 🟡 [#11] - 2x | Home | Vault | Shop is now open for everyone.
Server 🟡 [#12] - 2x | Home | Vault | Shop is now open for everyone.
Server 🟡 [#13] - 2x | Home | Vault | Shop is now open for everyone.
Server 🟡 [#14] - 2x | Home | Vault | Shop is now open for everyone.
Server 🟡 [#15] - 2x | Home | Vault | Shop is now open for everyone.
Server 🟡 [#16] - 2x | Home | Vault | Shop is now open for everyone.
Server 🟡 [#17] - 2x | Home | Vault | Shop is now open for everyone.
Server 🟡 [#18] - 2x | Home | Vault | Shop is now open for everyone.
Server 🟡 [#19] - 2x | Home | Vault | Shop is now open for everyone.
Server 🟡 [#20] - 2x | Home | Vault | Shop is now open for everyone.

The rounded colored icons, stands for a different type of server.

🟠: Test (Test Servers to test different things)
🟡: Semi Vanilla PVP (Vanilla PVP servers with QOL mods and plugins. No weapon mods. No Kits.)
🟢: Modded PVP (Modded PVP Servers with Kits, Weapon Mods, Structure Mods, Barricade Mods, Cloth Mods)
⚪: Modded PVE (Modded PVE Servers with Kits, Weapon Mods, Structure Mods, Barricade Mods, Cloth Mods)
🔵: Vanilla PVP (Fully Vanilla server with only a few Plugins like Moderation plugin. No Barricade Mods, No Cloth Mods, No Weapon Mods, No Structure Mods)#

TeemoCell 01.04.2024
Bonus VP, Store Changes and more Full Changelog

Bonus system to the Vote store has been added. You will now receive a bonus for voting every day.

TeemoCell 22.03.2024
New Vote Shop Items Full Changelog

TeemoCell 16.03.2024
Shop Items, Vote Store and more Full Changelog

TeemoCell 15.03.2024
Wipe, PVE Map Update, Website News Full Changelog

The Wipe is done. All player data has been reset. (Money, Shop Transactions, etc.).

TeemoCell 01.03.2024